On providing voluntary charitable donation (free transfer of property, money) for general interest (charitable) purposes.
(further — the website, social networks), and is an official and public offer of the charitable organization ‘Charitable Fund ‘Behind Blue Eyes Foundation’”, USREO code 45048723 (hereinafter referred to as the organization), in particular as the founder Skorokhodka Artem Serhiyovych, acting on the basis of the statute, enter into a charitable donation agreement (hereinafter — agreement), the subject and material terms of which are indicated below:
This offer, addressed to an indeterminate circle of individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as “Donor”) — visitors to the website or social networks on pages of the organization “Charitable Fund ‘Behind Blue Eyes Foundation’” on the internet:
Terms & Conditions
promoting the creation of works of art by children and their subsequent distribution in the digital and physical space in Ukraine and abroad; holding exhibitions, cultural events, educational and developmental programmes for children; strengthening confidence in the future among children affected by military aggression; development of perception and fostering creativity in children from villages and regions of Ukraine; promoting social rehabilitation of recipients of charitable assistance; healthcare and assistance to people with physical disabilities; assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflicts and accidents, as well as to refugees and people in difficult life circumstances; psychological and educational programmes for children; sports and physical education; promotion and development of volunteering in Ukraine; education; support of the Organisation’s administrative activities necessary for the implementation of projects.
purchasing the necessary property intended for charitable activities; paying for the services of specialists and experts involved in charitable activities; organising expeditions; conducting training, educational and charity events and activities; payment and reimbursement of administrative expenses incurred in an amount not exceeding 10% of the donation.
Acceptance also means that the Donor — an individual — has been notified and agrees with the following:
promoting the creation of works of art by children and their subsequent distribution in the digital and physical space in Ukraine and abroad; holding exhibitions, cultural events, educational and developmental programmes for children; strengthening confidence in the future among children affected by military aggression; development of perception and fostering creativity in children from villages and regions of Ukraine; promoting social rehabilitation of recipients of charitable assistance; healthcare and assistance to people with physical disabilities; assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflicts and accidents, as well as to refugees and people in difficult life circumstances; psychological and educational programmes for children; sports and physical education; promotion and development of volunteering in Ukraine; education; support of the Organisation’s administrative activities necessary for the implementation of projects.
purchasing the necessary property intended for charitable activities; paying for the services of specialists and experts involved in charitable activities; organising expeditions; conducting training, educational and charity events and activities; payment and reimbursement of administrative expenses incurred in an amount not exceeding 10% of the donation.
promoting the creation of works of art by children and their subsequent distribution in the digital and physical space in Ukraine and abroad; holding exhibitions, cultural events, educational and developmental programmes for children; strengthening confidence in the future among children affected by military aggression; development of perception and fostering creativity in children from villages and regions of Ukraine; promoting social rehabilitation of recipients of charitable assistance; healthcare and assistance to people with physical disabilities; assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflicts and accidents, as well as to refugees and people in difficult life circumstances; psychological and educational programmes for children; sports and physical education; promotion and development of volunteering in Ukraine; education; support of the Organisation’s administrative activities necessary for the implementation of projects.
purchasing the necessary property intended for charitable activities; paying for the services of specialists and experts involved in charitable activities; organising expeditions; conducting training, educational and charity events and activities; payment and reimbursement of administrative expenses incurred in an amount not exceeding 10% of the donation.
The purpose of collecting and using charitable donations:
Charitable donations collected under the Agreement shall be used by: —
This list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by other uses that may be required in the course of project implementation and will be consistent with the statutory objectives of the Organisation.
Rights and obligations of the Organization: 06.1. The Organization has the right to:
06.2. The Organization is obliged to: —
Methods of making a charitable donation:
The subject of this agreement is the free transfer by the Donor to the ownership of the Organization of monetary funds, through voluntary donations for the implementation of the statutory activities of the Organization and the implementation of projects. The charitable donation is voluntary and is not subject to further return to the Donor. The Donor independently determines the amount of the charitable donation.
The main project of the Organization is “Charitable Fund Activity”. The fundraising target is 1,000,000 UAH. Deadline until December 31, 2024. The types of activities of the Organization, which are planned and carried out with the funds raised, include:
Acceptance also means that the Donor — an individual — has been notified and agrees with the following:
The purpose of collecting and using charitable donations:
Charitable donations collected under the Agreement shall be used by: —
This list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by other uses that may be required in the course of project implementation and will be consistent with the statutory objectives of the Organisation.
Rights and obligations of the Organization: 06.1. The Organization has the right to:
06.2. The Organization is obliged to: —
Methods of making a charitable donation:
The subject of this agreement is the free transfer by the Donor to the ownership of the Organization of monetary funds, through voluntary donations for the implementation of the statutory activities of the Organization and the implementation of projects. The charitable donation is voluntary and is not subject to further return to the Donor. The Donor independently determines the amount of the charitable donation.
The main project of the Organization is “Charitable Fund Activity”. The fundraising target is 1,000,000 UAH. Deadline until December 31, 2024. The types of activities of the Organization, which are planned and carried out with the funds raised, include:
Acceptance also means that the Donor — an individual — has been notified and agrees with the following::
The Donor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by him/her when transferring a voluntary charitable donation.
Fundraising period: The public collection of charitable donations continues indefinitely, as the project has strategic goals that require constant financial costs.
The purpose of collecting and using charitable donations:
Charitable donations collected under the Agreement shall be used by: —
This list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented by other uses that may be required in the course of project implementation and will be consistent with the statutory objectives of the Organisation.
The donor has the right to control the intended use of the charitable donation.
Place of public fundraising: The public collection of charitable donations shall be held on the territory of Ukraine and any country of the world. The Organization’s direct activities related to public fundraising under the Agreement shall be carried out in Ukraine.
Rights and obligations of the Organization:
06.1. The Organization has the right to:
06.2.The Organization is obliged to: —
receive charitable donations and use them to achieve the goals, objectives, directions, and types of statutory activities of the Organization in accordance with the Agreement, the Statute of the Organization, and the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”; without the Donor’s consent, change the directions of using the donation within the scope of the Organization’s statutory activities; without the Donor’s consent, use a part of the charitable donation for the Organization’s administrative expenses in an amount not exceeding that provided by Ukrainian legislation.
use the received charitable donations in accordance with the subject and conditions of this Agreement, the Statute of the Organization, and the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”; report on the use of charitable donations in the manner prescribed by this Agreement and current legislation of Ukraine.
The Donor shall bear all expenses related to the payment of amounts (commissions) associated with the transfer and crediting of charitable donations.
Procedure for public access to the financial statements of the Organization: Access to the reports on the use of charitable donations to the Organisation may be provided to the Donor upon his/her written request. Other information is provided by the Organization in accordance with the procedure and within the time limits stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine. The Organisation may publish reports on the use of charitable donations on the Website or in social networks on its own pages.
The Donor and the Organization, guided by Articles 207, 2 part of Article 639, Articles 641, 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, agree that from the moment of Acceptance, the Agreement is considered concluded in writing.
At the same time, the Parties agree that the failure to comply with the written form by the parties to the legal transaction does not render it invalid.
The Benefactor gives the Organization unconditional consent to the processing of his/her personal data provided when visiting the Website and/or making a money transfer (hereinafter referred to as personal data), and is notified of the inclusion of such information in the Organization’s personal data base and of all rights to protect his/her personal data provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine, namely Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”; The Organization processes personal data by any means for the purpose of proper implementation of this Agreement, statutory activities, being responsible for the safety of personal data and their non-dissemination.
Methods of making a charitable donation:
one-time payment; free transfer of property for general interest (charitable) purposes; other methods of making a charitable donation not prohibited by current legislation.
Acceptance of the Offer means that the Donor agrees to all its provisions and fully understands and agrees with the subject of the Agreement, with the purpose of public donation collection, and with the Organization's right to use a portion of the Donor's charitable donation for the Organization's administrative expenses in an amount not exceeding that provided by Ukrainian legislation, as well as agrees with the Organization's right to use the remaining funds to provide targeted assistance to communities affected by military aggression in case the main project is not implemented. Acceptance of the Offer means that the Donor agrees to make a donation to the project 'Activities of the Charitable Fund' and also consents to their reallocation/utilization in other projects of the Organization in case the fundraising is closed or no longer relevant.
The provisions of the national legislation shall apply to all relations between the Donor and the Organization.
supporting the creation of art by children with subsequent dissemination of these works in digital and physical spaces in Ukraine and beyond; holding exhibitions, cultural events, educational and developmental programs for children; strengthening confidence in the future among children affected by military aggression; etc. development of perception and education of creativity in children from villages and regions of Ukraine; administrative activities of the Organisation.
Terms and Definitions: Public Offer — a valid offer of the Organization placed on the website or in social networks on the Organization’s pages regarding the provision of a charitable donation addressed to an unlimited circle of persons, including the Donor. Acceptance — full and unconditional acceptance of the Public offer by taking actions to make a money transfer through payment forms and means posted on the website or in social networks on the Organization’s pages, as well as by transferring money to the Organization’s settlement account through bank institutions. The moment of Acceptance is the date of the money transfer and/or crediting of funds to the Organization’s bank settlement account. Charitable donation — the voluntary money transfer by the Donor to achieve and implement the goals, tasks, directions, programs, projects, and types of statutory activities of the Organization in accordance with the Agreement, the Statute of the Organization, and the Law of Ukraine “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”.
The subject of this agreement is the free transfer by the Donor to the ownership of the Organization of monetary funds, through voluntary donations for the implementation of the statutory activities of the Organization and the implementation of projects. The charitable donation is voluntary and is not subject to further return to the Donor. The Donor independently determines the amount of the charitable donation.
The main project of the Organization is “Charitable Fund Activity”. The fundraising target is 1,000,000 UAH. Deadline until December 31, 2024. The types of activities of the Organization, which are planned and carried out with the funds raised, include:
In order to comply with the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” and to fulfil the terms of the Agreement, the Benefactor agrees to the processing of personal data. The Organisation undertakes not to disclose the email address and other information about the Donors to third parties, except as provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.